Three Ways to Support Lost in Sound: A One Woman Play

lis_mugNow there are three great ways you can support hearing loss awareness and bring Lost in Sound: A One Woman Play to a wider audience.  Choose the one that works for you best.  Any way you can support the cause is greatly appreciated.  The time is now to provide public awareness and much needed accomodations for those with hearing loss.

  • Attend a performance of the show.  The next performance is on February 28th at the Jewel Box Theatre in Poulso, WA.  Buy your tickets HERE.
  • Obtain authentic Lost in Sound gifts.  Now you can purchase great products with the cool Lost in Sound Logo.  Have a look at the Store.
  • Make a Donation to help support the plays development and make it accessible for all.  This will help pay for closed captions, loop and FM systems for telecoils, travel,  and ASL translators at performances.


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